Am I Missing Something?  

Posted by AKH

Maybe I'm the only one who's noticed this but I doubt it.

It seems like no matter where I go on campus the conversation topic of choice is Drinking/Smoking. Whether I'm alone or not, the only thing I hear people talk about is how smashed they got last weekend or how much pot they smoked. All the stories and little anecdotes (which only are funny if you were actually there) start the same way: "when we were at this party last weekend I got so drunk..." or "we were so high that night..." 

Now before I get accused of being a hypocrite let me just say this: I have drank before. I have never been drunk. I drank because I like the taste of it, not because my goal was to get smashed. I've also never had more than one drink at one setting.

I just don't get it. I don't see what's amusing about going out and getting completely smashed every weekend, and only have a disgustingly painful hangover to show for it. What's the point? What are people trying to accomplish? Are they just trying to live up to some stereotypical college experience? Because if that's the case, that's pretty pathetic that they can't make their own experiences - instead people just do what they think everyone is doing. Trust me - not everyone is doing it. Drinking to get drunk is completely and totally irresponsible and shouldn't be used as an excuse for doing or not doing something. For example, both of my roommates (on separate occasions) come home drunk and then I heard this the day after: "Yeah I hooked up with a bunch of guys at this frat party and my friends told me I was dancing like a slut" and "this is why I don't drink because I end up having sex with someone" 

Personally I prefer remembering what I did on my Friday and Saturday nights and not wasting it by drinking myself into being happy.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 5:30 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


THANK YOU! I completely agree, that's what alot of kids around campus talk about from thursday to sunday night. About how much they are going to get smashed or go to as many parties as they can. Trashed Tuesday, Wasted Wednesday, Thristy Thursday, Frat Friday all seems to me like they are making up days to excuse their choice to go get shitfaced. I mean I can enjoy everything in moderation, but if trashing your body is your form of fun, then I dont believe that you truly respect yourself enough; so how can others?

And don't you just love the smell of pot at midnight when you are trying to sleep and it wafts into you window. NOT!

I'm really glad you mentioned this, it's been bugging me too.

September 25, 2008 at 12:00 PM

I also feel like it is a huge discussion every where I go. When it is hard to go anywhere on campus without smelling pot, it makes we wonder why people truly are at college. Personally every night, but especially Friday's and Saturday's I have been having a blast. I hang out with my friends, watch movies and take lots of photos. And we have a blast.

One girl I know goes home every weekend because she does not know any other way to escape the party scene. I wish people would realize there are better ways to have fun.

September 25, 2008 at 1:37 PM

Well, I definitely see your argument. You feel that people get drunk all the time because they are trying to live up to something.

But you also said you drink because you like the taste of alcohol. It is therefore possible, you must agree, that some people get drunk because they like how it feels. To be free of inhibition and feel able to do anything. It can really be fun.

Sometimes it isn't about a competition. Sometimes it is about fun. Maybe you hear that people drink a lot and you think the stories are boring and/or stupid if you weren't there. Well, I hear a lot of sport stories from games people played that bore me to tears. Do I accuse them of playing sports and sharing the stories in order to live up to some college experience stereotype? No.

So maybe before you point you should think that not everyone, yourself excluded, is trying to live up to an image. Some people find that getting totally fucked-up and shitfaced is a great way to spend an evening. If they don't care about remembering anything, that is totally up to them. It is great that you prefer to remember what you do, but sometimes the point of being drunk is to do things you wouldn't ordinarily do. you can easily avoid regret by avoiding memory.

Just food for thought. I totally respect your decisions about drinking and drug use and about partying in general. It is a valid argument that you like to enjoy things without being under any influence.

Others have a different view. As long as they're safe, just be happy they've found something they like.

September 25, 2008 at 4:34 PM

I agree that hearing stories that always start the same way can be grating, and watching people stumble around campus trying not to vomit is pretty repulsive, but I will be the first to admit that I have been on both sides of that situation. I have certainly been the one driving my drunk friends home... or carrying them as the case may be... but I have also been that kid who passed out in a really uncomfortable place, or made some hideously bad decision on a saturday night. But, the point that I am eventually going to ramble my way to if I don't just come out with it is that parties and drinking and whatever else you want to do can be fun, and safe, and not stupid. The best advice I ever got about going to college went something like this, "Have fun and learn a lot. In that order." And I know it's been said, many times, many ways, but to each his own, you shouldn't throw stones, diff'rent strokes, it's my life... etc.

October 2, 2008 at 8:15 PM

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