I Only Do This Because I Have Tooo..  

Posted by Chelsea Abplanalp

   So blogging is really NOT my thing at all.  I actually kind of hate it.  I find it extremely creepy and basically just a waste of time.  I mean, it's a good idea for an assignment for class because it's much more interesting than just writing papers or essays of what not, but the over all idea of blogging is just not too appealing to me.  From what I've seen of blogs, usually there are just extremely creepy people you don't know leaving extremely strange comments on on things that they shouldn't really care about in the first place.  I mean, you don't know me, why do you give a "F" what I did today?  Why do you care what my dog looks like or what classes I am taking?  I personally don't think its normal for strangers to be interested in things like that.  They could be anywhere from a 17 year old girl like they "claim" to be or a 60 year old man living in Minnesota.  Who really knows?  It really is just asking for trouble if you ask me.  It also can take over people's lives.  Some people get so involved in their blogs they become different people and don't know how to be themselves in real life.  It's more of an escape than anything.  I mean, I'm sure there are perfectly normal people who enjoy just letting their feelings out through blogging and this probably seems like a stereo type but from personal experience, it's all a very strange process to me.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2008 at 4:47 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


I think blogging isn't just online journals and creep shows. Their definitely those out their but I think blogs can be used to post information more freely and unfiltered. I feel the media always tries to put their own spin on everything that occurs in our world.

September 10, 2008 at 10:05 PM

I think it is human nature to want to be a voyeur. Blogs now do what movies or just plain gossip used to. The most appealing part of the blog, is that it is impersonal, we can judge without being judged. You don't have to go to the video store for a quick escape from your own life, you just go to your computer. The blog fills the basic human need to feel a connection to another person in the world.

September 10, 2008 at 11:10 PM

I can appreciate the appeal of blogging, and for others, reading blogs. however, I think it becomes a problem when one's life becomes increasingly defined by their digital identity and they focus more and more on their digital world and less upon the physical world they live in and the people that they interact with off of the computer. So I have no problem with blogging,as long as its kept in moderation. That being said, it can be quite creeper.

September 11, 2008 at 12:55 PM

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