Procrastination, No Hesitatin  

Posted by M. Haji Bigman in , , ,

I am procrastinating as long as I can before I type this for no other reason than to procrastinate. It seems pretty logical, right? I think so too. These are my self outlined rules for the art of procrastination. I call it an art because not everyone can be good at procrastination. Some people have traits such as "work ethic" and "time management." Things like these will never allow you to truly master this ancient art. For example, procrastination is the good side of the force and these other "skills" are the dark side. Now, if you have no idea what I am talking about, that means you are a true procrastinator and have not seen any of the Star War's movies. Bravo. If you do understand, there is still hope. Just follow these guidelines.

1) When you have a big test/quiz/exam/essay/anything else, set aside 30 minutes a day for a week before that in order to properly prepare.

2) Next, plan to do all of your homework the night it is assigned and not the night it is due. This is absolutely crucial.

3) Let your friends know ahead of time that you can't hang out at those specified times.

4) Now these are the last, and most vital parts, of the process.

5) In that time you set aside to study, go play where's waldo on google earth. (Hint: He is the one in the red and white striped shirt. Check California.)

6) Now that you are wasting considerable amounts of that time studying, you are on the right path. Remember to always complete the homework at least within a week of it being past due. (Hint: Walking to class is a seldomly used cram time in order to completely finishing studying for that bogus exam on Ole Christy Colombo. )

7) And with all your new free time, you cancel not doing crap with you friends and instead go over to their rooms a put of doing work together. And that is the true spirit of procrastination, community.

This entry was posted on Thursday, September 25, 2008 at 11:15 AM and is filed under , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


That's a nice little anecdote about procrastination. Although, I have to disagree with the last part. Procrastination, I have found, is not about community. Unless that is, your community happens to be awake at around 3 in the morning, because that's when most of my procrastination comes to fruition. You are usually alone and isolated busting out some 5 page essay. That's how my procrastination works anyway.

October 1, 2008 at 9:26 PM

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