So parents weekend is coming up in about two weeks or so, and i mean i am pretty excited to see my family for the first time in 5 weeks. I miss them, but not to the point where i feel the NEED to see them. My mother on the other hand has a countdown until the day she is coming here. She texts me everyday, calls me every other day, and asks me to "video chat" with her at least once a week (which has yet to happen). I definitely do miss my family but my mom is a bit psychotic about it all. She cries to my aunt on the phone about how much she misses me and is probably driving my younger brother crazy at home. My dad is much more relaxed, and will talk to me when he's around while my mom is on the phone with me and does not text me everyday like her. Hopefully when my mom comes here and physically sees that i'm still alive she wont feel such a need to constantly check up on me. She needs to "let go" and hopefully after this parents weekend she will be able to do that. Or maybe she never will. She kind of has the personality where she is extremely sensitive and emotional. She is basically the opposite of me; extremely independent and does not show emotion whatsoever. That's also probably why it is so hard on her. My roommates parent's are much more laid back and call her twice a week, which i think is a reasonable amount. Maybe my mom can learn a thing or two from them.
Ahh the overbearing mother I know where you are coming from. I'm living it too. Count yourself lucky that you have people in your life that will love you like that. Some are not so lucky. Best of luck though.
Its cute that she texts you, my mom calls me everynight and says, hello stranger! just because she hasn't heard from me all day. EVERY SINGLE DAY. and she calls me every morning to make sure i woke up to my alarm because in high school she could just come in my room. it was good to have that extra "alarm" at first, but now its pretty annoying...
I'm pretty excited that she won't be up here this weekend, but everyone else i know has family coming up so on the other hand I kind of wish I wouldn't be a loner all weekend. Ehh, whatever.
I don't really understand Parent's Weekend. It feels like a gimmick to me. Seriously. It's like open house in high school and elementary school. It seems like a waste of time, but oddly enough parents seem to, by and large, love the idea.
I also have to talk to people about parent's weekend. It blows, and no one is interested.
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