Halloween always seemed like a weird holiday...people dress up in weird costumes and walk around begging for candy, with the intent of scaring people or wanting to be scared. Personally, I hate being scared, and the whole horror genre. So I decided to look into it a little more, because I really don't have a clue about the actual origins of Halloween and it's traditions. HistoryChannel.com is wonderful! If you're interested in superstitions, Halloween around the world, or the origins of Halloween, definitely check it out!
On a side note that I just remembered...
My brother is a junior in high school, so he doesn't go out trick-or-treating anymore. Instead, he decides to dress up in morbid costumes and scares people who come to our house. In front of my house there are a lot of thick bushes and when it's dark, they're kinda creepy because a person could definitely hide in one (speaking from experience getting home late...). Last year he found this hideous mask with long scraggly hair, put on a leather jacket that is similar to Ghostrider, and went crazy...he actually chased people down the street. But for the record they were people he knew :) This year he decided to dress up like a deranged clown, which my mom was NOT thrilled about because she hates clowns. Tonight is trick-or-treat night for my hometown, so I really want to hear how his dressing up/scaring people adventure goes this year...supposedly he was going to take the chain off my dad's chainsaw....maybe it's a good thing I'm not there!
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on Wednesday, October 29, 2008
at 7:22 PM
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