YEAH!!!! I caught all the falling dolls on a Skateboard!!  

Posted by M. Haji Bigman in , ,

If you don't know what I am talking about, then go play
Inanimate Alice Episode 3: Russia
. My first impression when I started to play the game version instead of reading, I was like sweet, gameboy Tony Hawk eat this. I thought the stories were pretty cool too.

So what is Alice's last name? Do you know, cause I do. But never mind that, the sickest part of these stories were the blurry dial up speed videos. Seriously though, they were sweet.

I enjoyed the music a lot as well as some of the videos. It also felt like the actually quality of the stories and their creation improved as the episodes progressed. Russia and Hometown(?) were my two favorites. Russia because the story was a lot darker, more sinister. I wanted to know why the situation was like the one presented(and play the same game over and over which I did because I am slow). Hometown was even better because of the labyrinth.

The labyrinth really made me feel more involved in the story. It felt almost like a horror video game. I kinda cheated because I kept pressing "b" to get hints. But its all cool, I made it to the roof and my friends were like wtf mate. But in the end, I just wanted to see that mysterious Alice and her delusion Brad fight a zombie. Is that really too much to ask Alice?

This entry was posted on Thursday, October 9, 2008 at 11:40 AM and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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