Halloween Masks for Gangs  

Posted by M. Haji Bigman

What does this drawing mean to you? What does it depict? If I asked who would draw something like this, what would you say? If you asked me, I would say it was a zombie some little kid drew for Halloween. Well, this is actually half right. The artist, Jordan Hood, is a fifth-grader at Pooler Elementary School. Jordan's vampire, looked like a zombie to me lol, was part of an assignment. That assignment was to draw a scary Halloween mask in art class. After the art teacher helped Jordan with some finishing touches, off he went to other classes.

So what the catch? When little Jordan got to his home room class, his teacher, Melissa Pevey, was so disturbed by the picture she found it necessary to to involve the vice principal, Valerie Johnson, and the campus police. Wait, it gets even better. Pevey argued that the blood tears and the phrase, "I Kill For Blood" were indicative of the L.A. gang known as the Bloods. WAIT, WHAT?! Jordan was taken out of school and required to take psychological testing before he could return to school.

So, at the end of the day, Jordan returned back to school after the evaluation found him in good psychological health. Seriously, sometimes I doubt the competence of some of our species. It's a child, at Halloween, given an assignment to create a scary mask, in art class. Lay of the horror movies, lady.


This entry was posted on Sunday, November 2, 2008 at 4:29 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


That is ridiculous. I do not understand why this little kid would know about the bloods. Also the words could be taken as a little creepy but a vampire does kill for blood. It also surprises me that someone sentenced this kid to psychological testing.

November 2, 2008 at 8:37 PM

That is definitely the most ridiculous thing I have heard all day. Which is pretty impressive. I do wonder what people could do if they tried to be genuinely productive with their time.

November 2, 2008 at 11:52 PM

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